Monday, July 7, 2014

"My Bones Are Wiggling!"

Robot & Owen taking a nap on Dad and Mom's bed together!

A few reasons why a 3 year old may be having trouble going to sleep at night:
  • "My bones are wiggling!"
  • "A germ bug just flew into my mouth!"
  • "I smell you making cookies!"
  • "I was thinking about buying a cat!"
  • "I need coldness on my blankie!"
  • "I need a tissue!"
  • "I forgot to clean up my toys!"


  1. I know I've said this a million times, but Owen reminds me so much of Drew. This list could be an exact replica of things he would have said :). I love your boys!

    1. That is so funny Julianna! I am loving this stage of cute & funny sayings! I try to write down as many as I can so that someday, when he is as old as Drew, I will remember!
