Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Memorable March Moments

The month of March flew by here in the Holczer home.  It was filled with so many fun, busy and memorable things.  Here are my top 10 memorable moments:

1.  Tommy and I celebrated 6 years of being married and went out for a lovely lunch together.

2.  Owen moved to a big boy bed! (It kind of makes me tear up when I think about it.  He is growing up so fast.  I am learning that I am much more sentimental than I thought I was.)

3.  Owen turned 3! (more sentimental tears)

4.  We had a week of the most beautiful sunny weather!  The season changed from winter to spring!

5.  My sister Paula came home for a visit!  The time always flies by all to fast when she is here.

6.  On one of our morning walks in the month of march we passed by a group of 6-10 year old girls.  We smiled and waved to the friendly little group.  After passing I heard one girl say, "she is a nice one!" and then another girl said, "she is a beautiful girl!"  It still puts a smile on my face when I think of this interaction.

7.  Another memorable interaction was at the grocery store.  A woman in her late 70's started a conversation with me by telling me I was a good mom.  As we continued to talk I found out she was also a believer and at the end of our conversation I discovered she only lived less than a mile away from me.  She had the most contagious smile and it is was so evident that she loved Jesus with all her heart.  I am praying that I run into her again.

8.  Henry turned 9 months old and his doctor said he is a healthy boy!

9.  We, as a family, have been memorizing a few verses as Easter approaches.  It brings so much joy to my heart when I hear Owen reciting parts of them as he is playing.

10.  As a nursing mom it is hard to find time alone or go on women's retreats or be a part of bible studies.  I was desiring to have a time away that would be refreshing, so I planned my own at-home retreat.  I am not sure why I have not thought to do this before.  I was able to use my parents house one evening while they were away.  My evening consisted of worship, studying and reading the book of Colossians, listening to a sermon on Colossians and time in prayer.  To make it extra special and exciting I brought along a sweet smelling candle, my favorite tea and of course twilight delight chocolate!  I enjoyed it so much I am already starting to plan my next at-home retreat!  

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful list . . . and I love your at-home retreat idea! Good for you for making it happen!
