Monday, April 29, 2013

Washing Too Many Dishes?

Are you looking for a way to reduce the amount of dishes you wash each day? A few months ago I noticed I was washing a lot of dishes. As I took a look at the counter tops I noticed about 25 dirty cups from the day. I am the one to blame for this large number of cups because I can never remember whose is whose or which is dirty or clean. I came to the conclusion that we were using far too many cups each day.

After coming to this conclusion a light bulb went off in my head! I decided to take a trip to Home Depot and purchase four white tiles for $0.16 a piece, making my purchase a total of $0.68. Those 4 tiles now sit on our counter top next to our sink. Each of us has a designated tile to keep out one cup for the day. When we are not using our cup we are trying to make a habit of putting our cup back on the tiles. So at the end of the day before I turn the dishwasher on I am only washing 4 cups instead of 25! It has turned out to be a well working system the last few months, so I thought I would share my light bulb experience. I'd say that was a well spent $0.68 and a great way to reduce the number of dishes I am washing each day.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea, Anna! I find cups all over the place, too. We used to put bands on the cups to keep them separated, but the system kind of fell by the wayside (it was annoying to remove them to wash). I like your idea -- I might give it a try and maybe even let the kids decorate their own little squares!
