Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Valentine Envelope -- Pottery Barn Style

A few weeks ago I found the most adorable Valentine's Envelope for Owen on the Pottery Barn website.  It was the perfect little envelope to tuck special Valentines inside. However, because it was $20.00 I decided to make one at home.  I was able to make my envelope out of felt for less than $2.00 and I am very pleased with how it turned out.  I attached it to the back of one of our kitchen table chairs on February 1st and will keep it up till Valentines Day.  Each evening after Owen goes to bed I have been putting a drawing of a different animal, coloring sheet, bookmarks, balloon or goodie for him to find in the morning when he wakes up. He loves looking inside the envelope each morning to find a new treasure for the day.

I am now working on another envelope to have ready for next year!



  1. Anna, that's absolutely darling! What a fun idea! Those first-thing-in-the-morning treats are always so memorable.
