Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Hair Prayer

I am one of those people who only gets one or two haircuts a year. The last few weeks I noticed that it was that time again to get my haircut because it was getting difficult to manage and a tangled mess. Well, in an effort to find more ways to save money I decided I would cut it myself!

A few months ago someone told me that they cut their own hair and I asked how they learned and this person told me that they prayed about it each time. To be honest, at first I thought, "would God really listen to my prayers about helping me to cut my hair, and if so I would need a lot of prayer." After several weeks of thinking about this I came to the conclusion that I believe God cares for even the things that I think would be small to Him. He may not make me a hair stylist, but I decided to trust that He would help me in my efforts to save money. So I began to pray and trust him for the outcome.

In my prayers God helped me to put into perspective that my hair does not have to be perfect so I started cutting. To be honest with you, when I was about half way into it I began to feel doubtful that I could do it, but chose to return to prayer instead of getting frustrated with myself. Well, after three days of working with my hair it turned out...well...terrible and uneven.  So, for the next few days I wore my hair in a pony tail and started praying again, trusting that he would show me how I could make my hair more presentable. Well, this morning God brought to my mind to ask my sister Paula who is in town for a few short days to fix my hair for me. She was more than willing and did a fantastic job! God used her today to encourage and bless me in a great way.  I am thankful that I chose to trust God with even the hairs on my head.


  1. Oh, I just love this post, Anna. And your hair is darling!

  2. I love your hair, Anna. I'm glad that we can trust God even with those small things like our hair. And kuddos to Paula!
